ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 73


Most of us can tell the difference between being asked a question and being questioned. If you are a parent, you know when your kids want to know something and when they are questioning your authority. Same thing if you are a teacher or a boss. Answering honest questions can be a joy, being questioned, not so much. When the priests brought their questions to Jesus, it was usually not to learn. It was to try and trip Him up or get Him with a “Gotcha!” moment. Jesus knew that. So most of the time He answered their question with a question of His own. This shut down the debate really quickly. In the Gospels, Jesus answers a lot of sincere questions from people seeking truth. But He also rebuffs a lot of people (usually the super religious ones) who are questioning his authority and identity. God is not afraid of our questions. But we need to check our heart to see if our questions are for the purpose of learning or if we are questioning God’s character and purpose.


Luke 20:1-8 (Page 631 in our house bibles)


  1. Are you someone who tends to ask a lot of questions, or are you someone who people look to for answers? (Or both?)

  2. Why do you think Jesus didn’t just come out and answer the priests questions?

  3. If you could ask God any question and knew He would answer, what would you ask?


Ask God your questions and ask the Holy Spirit to help you have understanding.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 72


In our school district, when our varsity teams win a state championship in sports, cheerleading, or the arts, there is a triumphant entry into town. The team buses assemble in the Wal Mart parking lot and a fire truck, sirens wailing and lights flashing, leads them through town to the school parking lot. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to congratulate those students on their accomplishment. In today’s passage, Jesus makes His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. People are yelling and singing. They are laying their coats on the road the Jesus’ donkey to walk on. They are waving palm branches (that’s why we celebrate Palm Sunday in Easter season). Hopes were high that Jesus was showing up to save the day. And he did. Just not the way they expected Him to. This began Jesus’ final mission in Jerusalem that ended with His death and resurrection.


Luke 19:28-48 (Page 631 in our house bibles)


  1. Put yourself in the crowd as Jesus rode into town. What do you think that felt like?

  2. Why do you think the Pharisees tried to shut down the crowd?

  3. When you read about Jesus clearing the Temple, why do you think He was so fired up about it?


Take time in prayer to worship Jesus as the “King who comes in the name of the Lord.”

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 71


Stewardship is a word that we don’t use often, but it is an important word when we talk about the abilities and resources God entrusts us with. The bible does not say we are all the same. We don’t all have the same talents, skills, and abilities, and we don’t have the same amount of resources or wealth. But, as Jesus teaches in today’s story, we are all held to the same level of responsibility. We are all called to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. Whether you feel you have a lot to offer, or a little, you are called to faithfully invest it. How you use your time, your money, and your gifts is a reflection of your love for God and your growth as a Christian. The bible says that one day all of us will give an account to God for how we spent our lives. On that day, it won’t be about who has or accomplished the most. It will be about who was a good and faithful steward with what God entrusted them with.


Luke 19:11-27 (Page 630 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think is the difference between stewardship and ownership?

  2. What would it look like for you to be a good steward with your time, gifts, and money?

  3. What is an area of your life that you want to be a better steward of?


Thank God for all the gifts and resources He has brought into your life. Ask Him to help you to steward them well.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 70


Currently, Taylor Swift is on a concert tour to end all concert tours. “Swifties” as her fans are known, and their parents, are willing to fork over thousands of dollars for a ticket to one of her shows, and still many people can’t get their hands on them. To call it a “hot ticket” is an understatement. People will often go to ridiculous lengths to get a seat at a game or even a glimpse of a famous celebrity. That is kind of Zacchaeus’ story. He wanted to see Jesus in the worst way. But he was too short to get a glimpse through the crowd. So he ran ahead on the Jesus parade route, climbed a tree, and waited for an overhead view. When Jesus finally noticed him, He told Zacchaeus to climb down, then invited Himself over for dinner. That dinner led to a change of heart and purpose for Zacchaeus. I am so glad that God will meet people wherever they are to lead them into new life.


Luke 19:1-10 (Page 630 in our house bibles)


  1. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever seen or met in person?

  2. What’s your favorite part of Zacchaeus’ story?

  3. Jesus said He came to seek and save the lost. How do you see that played out in this interaction with Zacchaeus?


Thank God that He is willing to meet you where you are at and that He has a unique purpose for your life.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Days 68 & 69


“What do you want?” Seems like a simple question. But when Jesus asks the man blind beggar it seems a little rhetorical. Did Jesus not know this man was blind? Wouldn’t He assume that what the blind man wanted was to see? Did Jesus sense a greater need in this man than vision? Whatever it was, the man was determined to talk to Jesus and Jesus was willing to talk to him, so He asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” The man’s answer was simple and straightforward, “I want to see!” And Jesus healed him. But why the question? I think, and this is my take, not a Gospel fact, Jesus wanted the man to articulate his need. He wanted to hear him voice his need, but also declare his faith. The man could have told everyone else around him that he wanted to see and would have still remained blind. They may have offered to pray for him or put a few coins in his cup, but only Jesus could give the man what he really wanted. So Jesus asked and the man declared it. Not only did Jesus open the beggars eyes, He opened the eyes of the crowd as well.


Luke 18:31-43 (Page 630 in our house bibles)


  1. If Jesus were to ask you the question, “What do you want me to do for you?” what would you say?

  2. If Jesus already knows our needs, why do you think He asks us to pray and tell them to Him?

  3. What do you think Jesus’ interaction did for the beggar, besides restoring his sight?


Jesus asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” Take time in prayer to answer that question. Before you pray that prayer, answer this question: “If Jesus said yes to my prayer, what difference would it make?” May that lead you to pray bigger and more significant prayers.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 67


For centuries, men and women of faith have chose lives of simplicity and asceticism by withdrawing from society as monks or entering monasteries as nuns. The idea is to eliminate all worldly influences and replace them with the whole-hearted pursuit of God. Many of these people have taken a vow of poverty as a part of that pursuit. Is that what Jesus was doing when he told the rich man to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor? Is that what God expects from all of us? I don’t think so. First, there were many wealthy people that Jesus came in contact with and He didn’t tell all of them to do this. Secondly, the bible doesn’t condemn wealth or wealthy people, it speaks against greed and idolatry. I believe Jesus knew what a grip riches had on this man and that he needed to break that grip to truly follow Jesus. It’s not about what we have, it’s about what has us. An idol is anything that comes between us and God. It’s anything we would choose rather than choosing God’s will. It might be money, but for you it might be something or someone else. Jesus wasn’t calling the man to poverty. He was calling him to follow Him.


Luke 18:15-30 (Page 630 in our house bibles)


  1. What is your definition of an idol?

  2. When you reflect on your life, what thing(s) could become an idol in your life (something that takes priority over God)?

  3. How do you think a Christ follower can guard their heart against idols? What would you suggest?


Ask God to reveal anything or anyone who has become and idol in your life. Pray for wisdom in how to remove that idol and for the courage to do so.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 66


Aren’t self righteous people awesome and fun to hang out with? There is nothing like hanging out with people who think they are God’s gift to, well, God. They don’t do anything wrong, have the right opinion about everything, and they are so glad to let you know about it. Ok, so maybe those are the worst people to hang out with. But isn’t there a trace of self-righteousness in all of us? That feeling that we are a just a little bit better than her or him or them? As much as I want to relate to the humble tax collector in Jesus’ story I catch glimpses of the Pharisee in the mirror of my heart. I don’t say it out loud like the Pharisee, but it’s in there. You too, or is it just me? Thought so. The longer you walk with Jesus, the easier it is to slip into thinking you belong there, that you’ve earned that spot. May we all be reminded today that we are only Jesus’ followers because while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5). Like the tax collector we need God’s mercy to save us.


Luke 18:1-14 (Page 629 in our house bibles)


  1. What does it mean to you to be self-righteous?

  2. What do you think of Jesus’ statement that the tax collector, not the religious Pharisee was justified before God?

  3. How can a Christian walk in spiritual humility in your opinion?


Humble yourself before the Lord in prayer, thanking Him that you have been justified before God and made righteous because of Jesus and not your own goodness.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 65


A good book, movie, or story all have something in common, they take an unexpected turn. You are reading or watching along and all of a sudden, “Bam! Plot twist.” And you think, “I never saw that coming!” That’s how it was with Jesus and the kingdom of God. All of the people that came around to hear Him teach, and watch Him do miracles kept wondering when He was going to rise up, lead a rebellion, overthrow the Roman Empire, and establish His kingdom in Israel (throne included). Jesus kept explaining that the kingdom He was building didn’t exist in castles, fortresses, or dynasties. His kingdom is spiritual and exists in people. Jesus’ kingdom grows when more and more people follow Him and the kingdom sets up shop in them. Still today, the mission of Jesus’ church isn’t winning the culture wars or establishing a power base. The church is called to establish the kingdom of God in the hearts of people who need to come back to God.


Luke 17:20-37 (Page 629 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think the people were wanting Jesus to set up a literal kingdom in Israel?

  2. How does Jesus’ perspective of the kingdom of God conflict with the people’s ideas?

  3. How do you think the church should build the kingdom of God?


Pray for the growth of the kingdom of God Jesus talked about. Ask Him for a clearer understanding of how each of us as followers of Jesus and collectively as the church should live that out.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 64


Gratitude is a great way to live life. When you stop to count your blessings (like Bing Crosby in White Christmas) your whole attitude and outlook on life can change. Many people seem to take the blessings of God for granted. They say familiarity breeds contempt, so maybe we get so used to God’s blessings we stop being thankful for them. Or maybe we’ve decided we deserve them. God obviously saw when we put that stray cart away in the cart corral on the way into the grocery store and He is rewarding us (and probably punishing the lady who left it there...). The Bible says God’s mercies are new EVERY DAY. The wording used there doesn’t mean same stuff, new day. It means, new stuff everyday. God’s blessings for your life today are new and different from the blessings He hit you with yesterday. Live with gratitude today - you have so much to be thankful for!


Luke 17:11-19 (Page 629 in our house bibles)


  1. In your opinion, why do we often take God’s blessings for granted?

  2. What are five things you are super thankful for today?

  3. How are God’s mercies in your life different now than they were last year?


Say thank you to God. A lot. Be specific.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 63


Forgiveness is hard. When we have been wronged, or feel we have been wronged, forgiveness can feel like letting that person of the hook. We got hurt and they got a free pass. But Jesus spends a lot of time talking about forgiveness. God’s forgiveness of us and our need to forgive others. And He often ties the two together. If you want God to forgive you, forgive others. If you don’t forgive others, God won’t forgive you. How many times should we do that? Jesus says even if that person wrongs you seven times a day, you should forgive them seven times (and probably think about hanging out with them a little less). We are called to follow Jesus in community, and wherever there is community (people) there will need to be some forgiveness. It’s a challenge, but the freedom that comes from forgiveness is so worth it.


Luke 17:1-10 (Page 629 in our house bibles)


  1. Do you think there is a difference between forgiving and forgetting? Why or why not?

  2. Have you ever had to forgive someone multiple times? How did you work through that process?

  3. Why do you think forgiveness is so important for us as believers in Jesus?


When Jesus told his followers to forgive over and over, there response was, “Increase our faith.” If you are having a tough time forgiving someone, ask God to give you the faith to forgive them.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Days 61 & 62


Have you ever been shocked to find out that someone who seemed to “have it all” ended up not being who you thought they were? I have. When people who have made millions of dollars go bankrupt, or when you find out a famous athlete used performance enhancers to set all those records, it reminds you that people aren’t always what they seem. Some of the people who seem to be on top are really empty. And some of the people who seem to have the least are rich in ways we cannot imagine. That’s why Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Do not store up for yourselves treasure here on earth, where moths and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. Instead, store up for yourselves treasure in heaven where moths and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6). You can have everything this world has to offer and lose your soul in the process.


Luke 16:19-31 (Page 628 in our house bibles)


  1. What sticks out to you about the story Jesus told?

  2. What do you think it looks like to store up treasure in heaven?

  3. How does Jesus’ story challenge you to live differently?


Pray that God would help you to see the needs that are around you and to live with kingdom priorities.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 60


In today’s passage, Jesus tells a story that can be confusing. He talks about a guy who is getting fired. This guy is worried that when he loses his job he would become a beggar or have to do manual labor for the rest of his life. So he meets with his bosses customers and slashes their bills so they will like him and maybe offer him a job (sounds like a lobbyist to me). The wild part in the story is that his boss finds out what he did and actually PRAISES him for it. Not for ripping him off, but for acting shrewdly. Then Jesus says His followers need to act more shrewdly. What is Jesus wanting us to learn? I don’t think He’s recommending that you rip off your employer. In fact, money isn’t a big deal to God. Jesus goes on to say that is your are faithful with little things (like money) you will also be faithful in big things (like the kingdom of God). We should be shrewd and wise with material things so God can trust us with more important things.


Luke 16:1-18 (Page 628 in our house bibles)


  1. How do you think a Christian should handle money? Should our faith impact our view and use of money?

  2. What does it mean to you to be faithful in little things?

  3. How do you think we can keep from letting money become an idol in our lives?


Ask God for wisdom in handling all that He has entrusted you with. If you have specific issues with money and material things (greed, spending too much, debt, etc.) pray for wisdom and discipline to change those things.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 59


I used to run a summer camp program, and at the end of each week we would go through all the cabins and round up all the things the kids left behind, the lost and found. There were lots of towels, socks (Always one sock. I guess the other one was lost in the dryer), pillows, the usual. There were also weird, random things that kids would leave behind, like rolls of masking tape or a bag of feathers (Don’t ask, no idea). Most of that stuff would end up in the trash or Goodwill, but every once in a while a parent or youth leader would call and ask, “Did you find...” and we would have it. Usually they would be super happy and grateful that it had been found. We’d get it mailed to them and the world was a little better. Jesus says that is a tiny microcosm of how God feels when spiritually lost people are found. Jesus told three stories in Luke 15 to help us understand what a big deal it is.


Luke 15:1-32 (Page 627 in our house bibles)


  1. What do each of these stories (sheep, coin, son) have in common?

  2. How does Jesus say heaven feels when a spiritually lost people turns to God?

  3. Have you ever thought about the fact that if you are a Christian, there was a moment that heaven celebrated you? What does that mean to you?


Pray for the lost sheep/coins/sons in your life. Ask God to keep seeking them and to send people into their lives to help them find their way back to God.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 58


Someone once said, “Excuses are like noses, everyone has one” (I know, you have a friend who lost a nose in a freak firework accident. But you get the point). I am not good at a lot of things, but one thing I am very good at is making excuses. How about you? Today, Jesus tells a story about people being invited to a banquet and all the excuses they made for not accepting the invitation. The banquet represents God’s kingdom and the excuse makers represent the people who reject it. People have a lot of different reasons (excuses) for not putting their faith in Christ. Some people’s excuse is they don’t have proof of God. Some people don’t want to give up the ‘fun’ they think they will miss if they become a Christian. Some people have other priorities and think they will do it later. Jesus story seems to point out that some people will miss out on the kingdom when it becomes too late, and other, less likely folks will end up experiencing the goodness of God.


Luke 14:15-35 (Page 627 in our house bibles)


  1. What is the worst excuse you have ever made or heard someone else make?

  2. When people were giving the servants their excuses for not coming to the banquet, what do you think they were really saying?

  3. What spiritual lesson was Jesus trying to teach with this story, in your opinion?


Pray for 2-3 people who you would like to see say “yes” to Jesus invitation. Pray as specifically for them as possible, especially if you know some of their excuses/reasons for not saying yes to this point.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 57


When I was in college, I lived a couple of blocks from the Metrodome where the Minnesota Twins played. I love baseball and you could get a seat in the upper deck for $3.50 (it was a different time, kids). When we would go to games, my friends and I would buy tickets for the cheap seats, but we would try to sneak down to good seats. Sometimes it worked, and other times an usher would check our tickets and tell us to beat it and head up to our seats in the rafters. It was always embarrassing to make the walk of shame up to our real seats. The bible tells us to humble ourselves and in due time, God will lift us up. It also tells us that pride can trip us up and lead to a downfall. Jesus’ teaching in today’s passage is a practical reminder about pride, humility, and the joy of God’s blessing.


Luke 14:1-14 (Page 627 in our house bibles)


  1. Have you ever been humbled by a circumstance? How did it feel?

  2. Has there ever been a time in your life where someone has elevated, highlighted, or recognized you? How did that feel?

  3. What do you think it looks like to walk humbly with God?


Someone once said that humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. As you pray today, put the focus of your prayers on others, not yourself. Pray humbly today.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 56


As you drive around, you will see people with a couple kinds of stickers in their car windows. Some have an outline of the state of Iowa and say “Native” inside. Others have the same state outline but they say “Captive” inside. I would like a sticker that says, “Willing Participant.” I love living in Iowa and specifically in Des Moines. It has become home for our family and we love our city. That’s a core value of Journey Church as well. As a church, we love our city and want the very best for it. Our church strives to serve our city and make it a better place. Jesus was moved as He looked at Jerusalem. He saw the pain, the emptiness, and the spiritual lost-ness of the people and He wanted to reach it. May we carry the same attitude when we look at our city and neighborhood.


Luke 13:31-35 (Page 627 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think Jesus was filled with lament for Jerusalem?

  2. What does it mean, in your opinion, to love your city? What does it mean individually? For our church?

  3. How has God asked you to love the neighborhood, community, and city you are in?


Pray for the Des Moines metro area. Pray for specific communities, people, and needs that you are aware of and come to mind.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Days 54 & 55


In the Old Testament book of Zechariah, God says, “Do not despise small beginnings” (Zechariah 4:10). Jesus told a couple of stories about the power of small beginnings in Luke 13. In the same way a teeny, tiny mustard seed can grow and become a tree that becomes a home for birds, the kingdom of God can start small and grow. Likewise, in the same way a little bit of yeast can permeate a lot of dough, God’s kingdom can permeate a culture. There are many examples to prove Jesus’ claim. One person coming to know Christ can spread as entire families become followers of Jesus. A bible study on a college campus can lead to a revival movement involving thousands of students. One missionary or missionary family coming to a city, village, or tribe can bring transformation to entire cultures. A church can impact a community. A Christian can change influence their workplace. We just have to be willing to plant our little mustard seed of faith, cultivate it, and watch what God can grow.


Luke 13:10-30 (Page 626 in our house bibles)


  1. What is the smallest thing you can think of that carries a big punch?

  2. How have you seen the kingdom of God grow/spread in your lifetime?

  3. Where would you like to plant a seed and see it grow for God’s kingdom?


Plant a seed by faith as you pray. Pray for a specific place, person, or situation where you want to seed God’s kingdom grow.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 53


Have you ever asked for one more chance? Maybe it was with your parents when you got in trouble as a kid and the discipline was about to go down. Or maybe you missed an assignment in college and you begged your professor for another day to get it turned in. Or it could have been at work when you screwed up and your job was on the line. All of us have had “one more chance” moments in life. Jesus told a story about a barren fig tree and one more chance. The point of the story seems to be that our lives should be fruitful - we should be making a difference in some way - and if it isn’t, we’re just taking up space. But rather than just chopping us down for firewood, God wants us to have another chance and will cultivate our lives to produce fruit. If you have been coasting instead of cultivating, the Holy Spirit wants to work in you to produce godly fruit in your life.


Luke 13:1-9 (Page 626 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think the landowner wanted to remove the fig tree from his property?

  2. Who, in your opinion, is represented by the gardener in the story?

  3. What does it mean to be “fruitful” as a follower of Jesus?


Ask God to reveal any areas of barrenness in your life and to produce godly fruit in you.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 52


Every once in a while, someone will write a book or make a video predicting when the rapture will happen and when Christ will return (despite the fact that Jesus said no one knows the day or hour of His return). When I was in college, a guy wrote a book called 88 Reasons Why Jesus Will Return in 1988. Then it didn’t happen. So he wrote a new book called 89 Reasons Jesus Will Return in 1989. His 89th reason was a miscalculation in one of his original 88 reasons. He ended up going 0-2 predicting the return of Jesus. When speaking to His followers, Jesus didn’t focus much on the when of His return, He talked more about how important it was that they were ready and doing what He called them to do when it happened. We don’t have to worry about the when if we are focused on living out our faith daily.


Luke 12:35-59 (Page 625 in our house bibles)


  1. Have you ever thought much about Christ’s returning?

  2. Does the thought of Jesus’ return fill you with hope? Fear? Uncertainty? Something else?

  3. What do you think it means to be serving faithfully when Jesus returns?


Ask God to help you to be a faithful servant today, so instead of watching the skies for His return you can be focused on the harvest field He has placed you in.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 51


When asked if they are wealthy, most people say no. When researchers asked, “How much money would you need to make in order to be wealthy?” the most common answer was twice what they currently make, regardless of their income. So a person making $60,000 a year said they would feel wealthy making $120,000, and a person making $400,000 wouldn’t feel wealthy until they were making $800,000. What we have, and having enough, can be a preoccupying thought in or minds. And that is not a new phenomenon. Jesus’ addresses it with His followers in our text today. His simple financial advice to them and us: Trust God, He will take care of you.


Luke 12:13-34 (Page 625 in our house bibles)


  1. How much money do you think you would need to feel wealthy?

  2. Why do you think we tend to worry so much about money and possessions?

  3. What, in your opinion, does a healthy, God-honoring relationship with money look like?


Thank God for all that He has provided for you and your household. If there are fears or concerns you have about finances, ask God to help you to trust Him and to give you peace in those areas.