Aren’t self righteous people awesome and fun to hang out with? There is nothing like hanging out with people who think they are God’s gift to, well, God. They don’t do anything wrong, have the right opinion about everything, and they are so glad to let you know about it. Ok, so maybe those are the worst people to hang out with. But isn’t there a trace of self-righteousness in all of us? That feeling that we are a just a little bit better than her or him or them? As much as I want to relate to the humble tax collector in Jesus’ story I catch glimpses of the Pharisee in the mirror of my heart. I don’t say it out loud like the Pharisee, but it’s in there. You too, or is it just me? Thought so. The longer you walk with Jesus, the easier it is to slip into thinking you belong there, that you’ve earned that spot. May we all be reminded today that we are only Jesus’ followers because while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5). Like the tax collector we need God’s mercy to save us.
Luke 18:1-14 (Page 629 in our house bibles)
What does it mean to you to be self-righteous?
What do you think of Jesus’ statement that the tax collector, not the religious Pharisee was justified before God?
How can a Christian walk in spiritual humility in your opinion?
Humble yourself before the Lord in prayer, thanking Him that you have been justified before God and made righteous because of Jesus and not your own goodness.