Journey Pathway | Take Your Next Step Toward Christ


Our mission at Journey Church is, "helping people take their next step toward Christ." Whether someone has been a Christian for a few days or a few decades, all of us have another step to take in becoming a follower of Jesus. We also want to help people who come to Journey to find the relationships and experiences they need to feel connected. We call those steps the Journey Pathway.


The first step on the pathway is to experience Journey Church at our weekend experience, in a Community Group, or at a Journey event.


Every Sunday, following our morning service, you will have the opportunity to meet our lead pastor and his wife as well as some of the elders and staff leaders at Journey at our Guest Connection. This happens in the back of the auditorium right after the morning service. If you would like to connect with someone from the leadership team before that, please contact us here.


Every other month, we host a Discover Journey luncheon for everyone who is new or checking out Journey Church. This is a free event and takes place after a Sunday morning service. If you would like to attend the next Discover Journey luncheon, we would love to have you join us. You can sign up by sending us an email with your name and the number from your family that will be attending.


There are two primary ways that people find long-term connection at Journey Church. One is through Community Groups and the other is by getting involved in a Volunteer Opportunity. You can check out those pages for information on how to take those steps.


Partnership is our term for membership. Journey Partners are people who have decided that Journey is their church home and want to commit to Journey's vision of "helping people take their next step toward Christ." You can find out how to become a Journey Partner here.