Have you ever asked for one more chance? Maybe it was with your parents when you got in trouble as a kid and the discipline was about to go down. Or maybe you missed an assignment in college and you begged your professor for another day to get it turned in. Or it could have been at work when you screwed up and your job was on the line. All of us have had “one more chance” moments in life. Jesus told a story about a barren fig tree and one more chance. The point of the story seems to be that our lives should be fruitful - we should be making a difference in some way - and if it isn’t, we’re just taking up space. But rather than just chopping us down for firewood, God wants us to have another chance and will cultivate our lives to produce fruit. If you have been coasting instead of cultivating, the Holy Spirit wants to work in you to produce godly fruit in your life.
Luke 13:1-9 (Page 626 in our house bibles)
Why do you think the landowner wanted to remove the fig tree from his property?
Who, in your opinion, is represented by the gardener in the story?
What does it mean to be “fruitful” as a follower of Jesus?
Ask God to reveal any areas of barrenness in your life and to produce godly fruit in you.