ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 52


Every once in a while, someone will write a book or make a video predicting when the rapture will happen and when Christ will return (despite the fact that Jesus said no one knows the day or hour of His return). When I was in college, a guy wrote a book called 88 Reasons Why Jesus Will Return in 1988. Then it didn’t happen. So he wrote a new book called 89 Reasons Jesus Will Return in 1989. His 89th reason was a miscalculation in one of his original 88 reasons. He ended up going 0-2 predicting the return of Jesus. When speaking to His followers, Jesus didn’t focus much on the when of His return, He talked more about how important it was that they were ready and doing what He called them to do when it happened. We don’t have to worry about the when if we are focused on living out our faith daily.


Luke 12:35-59 (Page 625 in our house bibles)


  1. Have you ever thought much about Christ’s returning?

  2. Does the thought of Jesus’ return fill you with hope? Fear? Uncertainty? Something else?

  3. What do you think it means to be serving faithfully when Jesus returns?


Ask God to help you to be a faithful servant today, so instead of watching the skies for His return you can be focused on the harvest field He has placed you in.