ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 50


One of the most famous movie lines in the last 30 years is when Jack Nicholson, as Colonel Jessup, in A Few Good Men, bellows, “You want the truth, you can’t handle the truth!” And, truth be told, sometimes the truth is tough to handle. In today’s passage, Jesus tells His followers the truth. The truth that following Him will cost them something. The truth that persecution might be part of the program. But He tells them some other truths as well. The truth that they are valuable to God. That the Holy Spirit will guide them through those difficult moments. That people can only do so much damage, but God is the one they should really fear (reverence). Jesus didn’t mislead anyone. He let them know both the great cost and the greater reward of being His disciple.


Luke 12:1-12 (Page 625 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think Jesus was trying to warn His followers about in this passage?

  2. What are the hopeful statements that you read in this passage?

  3. What does it mean to you when Jesus says we should acknowledge Him publicly?


Ask God for wisdom, courage, and strength as you follow Jesus and acknowledge Him publicly.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 49


Whitewashed tombstones. That’s a phrase Jesus used to describe the Jewish religious leaders, the Pharisees. He said they looked good on the outside but were rotten on the inside. When they told him they felt insulted, He agreed and then kept going. People often talk about the loving words of Jesus, but he had some pretty blunt things to say as well. And most of the time His words were aimed at the “good” people. People who knew how to put on a self-righteous appearance but were way different behind the scenes. They were so caught up in trying to keep all of their religious laws (and judging anyone who didn’t) that they missed the point of following God. Jesus was challenging them to focus on what was happening on the inside rather than faking it on the outside.


Luke 11:37-54 (Page 624 in our house bibles)


  1. When you read Jesus’ harsh words toward the Pharisees what do you think of what He had to say?

  2. Jesus wasn’t just ripping the Pharisees to rip them. What do you think he was trying to tell them?

  3. Have you ever felt convicted by the Holy Spirit that who you were on the inside was not what you portrayed on the outside? How did that feel?


King David prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart. See if there is anything wicked in me.” Take a moment to pray that prayer and then listen to what God speaks to you.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Days 47 & 48


The Bible is a collection of 66 books that is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Gospels about Jesus (like Luke) and the writings to the Christian church are all in the New Testament, so that’s where many of us tend to read and study, which makes total sense. But there is great value in reading in the Old Testament. You can find a lot of the cool stories in the bible there (Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Whale, David vs. Goliath, etc.). You also get to see how God was working His plan to redeem people as He kept pointing them to the coming Messiah (Jesus). Why do we know the Old Testament matters? Because Jesus referred to it all the time. He talks about Jonah and the Queen of Sheba whose stories we can read in the Old Testament. If you tend to spend most of your bible time in the New Testament, branch out a little bit and dig in the Old Testament as well.


Luke 11:29-36 (Page 624 in our house bibles)


  1. What is your favorite book of the bible?

  2. Why does that book mean so much to you?

  3. Have you ever considered reading through the entire bible? (There are many excellent reading plans that will take you through the bible in a year. You can find a lot of them in the YouVersion bible app)


Thank God for His word and ask Him to illuminate your mind as you read it.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 46


Long before Abraham Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” Jesus said it. In fact, Lincoln was quoting Jesus when he gave his “House Divided” speech while running for the Senate. The religious leaders were accusing Jesus of being able to cast out demons because He Himself was empowered by Satan. In other words, they said Jesus could cast out demons because He was full of them. Not sure about the logic there, but that’s what they went with. In response Jesus pointed out that a divided house won’t stand. He then went on to talk about the spiritual battle that is taking place in this world. That may not be something you have thought much about, but the bible, especially the New Testament clearly and consistently talks about a supernatural, spiritual battle that is taking place in our natural world. Our battle, the bible tells us, is not against flesh and blood. It is spiritual in nature. We need to be more aware of spiritual opposition in our lives and our world.


Luke 11:14-28 (Page 624 in our house bibles)


  1. What thoughts come to your mind when you read about the idea of a spiritual battle taking place in our world?

  2. Why do you think the religious leaders accused Jesus of being empowered by Satan? What was their motive?

  3. Do you believe in the supernatural (God, Satan, angels, demons)? Why or why not?


The Apostle Paul writes that, “The weapons we have are not carnal, but they are mighty through God.” In Ephesians 6, Paul writes about the armor of God. Read that passage and prayerfully put on each piece of God’s armor for today.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 45


Prayer is something that gets talked about a lot in the church even as most of us struggle to actually do it. We say it’s important, but we don’t take time or we don’t know how to pray. I am not a natural-born pray-er. My mind wanders, I’m not always sure what to say, and I often feel I don’t have time. Maybe Jesus’ disciples had some of those same issues. So when they noticed how natural it was for Jesus to pray, they asked Him to teach them how to do it; and Jesus taught them a model of prayer (we call it the Lord’s prayer). He also taught them an attitude of prayer, persistence. One of my favorite prayer tips comes from Pete Greig: “Keep it simple. Keep it real. Keep it up.” We don’t have to impress God with our vocabulary, we just need to be persistent and consistent.


Luke 11:1-13 (Page 624 in our house bibles)


  1. What is your favorite line in the Lord’s prayer? Why is that then one?

  2. What do you think it means to ask, seek, and knock when you pray?

  3. The disciples looked to Jesus as a role model for prayer. Is there someone in your life who you look to as a role model for prayer?


Take time to pray through the Lord’s prayer using it as a model for prayer not just a mantra. Unpack each phrase as you pray it.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 44


Back in the days of mullets and parachute pants (the 80’s), the rock band Styx had a hit song called Too Much Time on My Hands. The message of the song was, well..., that the singer had too much time on his hands (it wasn’t a super deep song). Today, there aren’t very many people who feel like they have too much time on their hands. Most of us are wishing we had more time so we could get all the stuff on our lists done. Martha, one of Jesus’ friends was like that. She was all about doing, doing, doing, especially when she was hosting people in her home. Her sister, Mary, on the other hand was pretty laid back. When Jesus was around, she wanted to hang out and listen to Him. Martha was frustrated that Mary wasn’t helping her in the kitchen, but Jesus told Martha she was missing the point. In our never stop world, it can be hard to slow down, take a breath, and just listen to Jesus. But it is always worth it.


Luke 10:38-42 (Page 624 in our house bibles)


  1. When you read this passage, are you more on Mary’s side or Martha’s side?

  2. What is the best time and place for you to slow down and listen to Jesus through prayer and bible study?

  3. What are the biggest distractions that can keep you from taking time to listen to Jesus?


Stop. Take 5 minutes out of your day to pray, which involves talking and listening to Jesus. Quiet your heart and let God speak to you.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 43


Who is my neighbor? That was the question Jesus was asked before He told one of His most famous stories, the story of the Good Samaritan. Even people who don’t know much about the bible or church throw out references to being a good Samaritan. An amazing part of Jesus’ story is that the hero of the story is not a Jew, but a Samaritan. Jews and Samaritans did NOT get along, and the idea that a Samaritan could act in a morally superior was would have been a hard pill Jesus’ listeners to swallow. Jesus’ story powerfully answered the question, “Who is my neighbor?” It also reminds us, as Luke is prone to do, that the kingdom Jesus said He came to establish is for everyone. Even the dreaded Samaritans.


Luke 10:25-37 (Page 623 in our house bibles)


  1. What was the conversation that led to Jesus telling the story of the Good Samaritan?

  2. What are your personal take aways from Jesus’ story?

  3. If you were to think about a “Samaritan” in your life (someone you are not prone to think highly of), who would that be? What do you think it means to be a good neighbor to them?


Ask God to show you how to love your neighbor (co-worker, classmate, friend) today.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 42


Author and pastor Mark Batterson recently released a book entitled, Please, Sorry, Thanks. In the book he talks about the power of these simple words in our life. These are also powerful words for our prayers. Sometimes our prayers are PLEASE prayers. We ask God to intervene for us or someone close to us. At other times, our prayers are SORRY as we repent and ask for and receive God’s forgiveness. The prayers we tend to pray least are the THANKS prayers, when we give God thanks for all He has done in our lives and everything He has given to us. In Luke 10, Jesus prays a prayer of thanks for His followers and what just happened when they went out to tell others about Him. I need to follow Jesus’ example and pray more thanks prayers, more prayers of gratitude, in my life.


Luke 10:21-24 (Page 623 in our house bibles)


  1. What are some of the typical things you pray about when you pray?

  2. If you were to pray a thanks prayer, what would you be thankful for?


Take time to pray a prayer of thanks today. Tell God what you are thankful for and give Him praise for how He has blessed your life.

ALL In Summer Devotional: Days 40 & 41


Have you ever noticed that you always tend to see what you are looking for? For instance, you might not pay too much attention to the vehicles around you on the road. But as soon as you decide to buy a certain type of car, you suddenly see them everywhere when you’re driving around. If you aren’t hungry, food commercials don’t interest you that much. But when you have the munchies, every fast food burger looks amazing. You see what you are looking for. Jesus wanted His followers to see the harvest that was all around them. The harvest represented people who needed to learn about and follow Jesus. And Jesus said that the harvest was great (large, huge). So, Jesus said, pray for more laborers to reach the harvest. The harvest is still great today, and there is still a need for more laborers. Not just pastors, missionaries, and other “professional” laborers. All of us, laboring together to help people take their next step toward Jesus.


Luke 10:1-20 (Page 623 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think Jesus was saying to His disciples when he talked about laborers for the harvest?

  2. In your opinion, what does it mean to be a laborer in the harvest?

  3. Is there a specific place God has placed you to be a laborer for Him?


Pray for more laborers for the harvest. Women, men, children, young adults, empty nesters, etc. who will look for opportunities to help others take their next step toward Christ. Ask God to help you be a faithful laborer in His harvest today.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 39


Have you ever bought something that seemed like a good deal at the time but turned into a bad deal once you read the fine print. It’s happened to all of us. That’s why there are all those ads about helping people get out of their time shares. Jesus often implored people to “count the cost” of following Him. In today’s passage, several people are all in to follow Jesus, but they want to do it on their own terms. They had different reasons, and those reasons probably seemed legitimate and important to them. But Jesus wanted them to know He wasn’t looking for half-hearted followers. What does that mean for you and me? It means that God is still        looking today for fully-devoted followers of Jesus. Jesus didn’t try to win fans, He called followers.


Luke 9:57-62 (Page 623 in our house bibles)


  1. In your opinion do any of the reasons people gave Jesus for waiting hold up? Was Jesus being unreasonable? Why or why not?

  2. What do you think it means to be a fully-devoted follower of Jesus?


Ask God to reveal any areas of your life where you are holding back from following Jesus. Repent (turn away from) those things and pray for strength to follow Jesus 100%.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 38


In today’s passage, there is a lot going on. Healing of a demon-possessed boy. Disciples wanting to call down fire from heaven. Jesus again predicting His death. Followers coming and going. In the middle of it all, an argument breaks out among the disciples. What were they arguing about? Who was most important. Luke records this right after Jesus had predicted His death. Maybe they were arguing about who would take over once Jesus was gone (Apparently the hit HBO series, Succession, isn’t so original...) The disciples were thinking like most of the world does. “Someone has got to be number one and it might as well be me.” But Jesus’ had a different model of greatness. He taught His followers that the least would be the greatest, the last would be first, and the way to the top was by serving down.


Luke 9:37-56 (Page 622 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think the disciples were so concerned about which of them was the greatest? Why did it matter?

  2. What was Jesus trying to teach them with the example of a little child?

  3. How, in your opinion, can Christians live out Jesus’ “others first” lifestyle? What are some practical ideas for doing that?


Ask God to help you to walk with humility, showing honor to others. Pray for ways to live that out today as you go about your schedule.


Maybe you’ve heard someone who is going through a tough situation say, “It’s just my cross to bear.” The idea behind that saying is that just like Jesus bore the suffering of the cross, we all have some suffering to bear in our lives. But is that what Jesus meant when He told His followers they had to take up their cross every day and follow Him? One thing is for sure, Jesus didn’t pull any punches with His followers. He let them know that suffering and being put to death were in His future, but it was all part of God’s plan. He then told them to take up their crosses and follow Him. There are so many incredible promises in the Bible about the blessings of following God’s ways. But there is also a message of self-denial. Of dying to your own wants and desires so you can live for Christ’s wants and desires. We miss that part of the message sometimes. And when the going gets tough, we tend to wonder why God doesn’t make it easier, rather than denying ourselves and following. May today’s reading help us to remember that Jesus calls us to different, and sometimes this different life is a challenge. But we can trust Him to bring us to a better place.


Luke 9:21-36 (Page 622 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think about Jesus’ warning and challenge to His followers?

  2. When Jesus says, “If you give up your life for my sake, you will save it?” Do you think He means literal dying or something else?

  3. What, in your opinion, did Jesus want Peter, James, and John, to learn when He took them with Him to the mountain to pray?


Ask God to give you the strength and wisdom to carry your cross and follow Him today.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 36


In the movie, Darkest Hour, there is a scene where Winston Churchill, prime minister of England, decides to take the Tube (subway) during WWII. He’d never done it before and wanted to see what the experience was like. He also wanted to see how the common people in England were faring during the war. As he steps into the car and takes a seat, a few people notice him, but many are unaware. As the train moves through the underground, more and more people become aware that Churchill is sitting just a few feet from them. He had been there for a while, they just hadn’t recognized him.

There are many perspectives on who Jesus is. Some see Him as an influential teacher, a religious leader, or a moral example. But Jesus’ followers saw His true identity, expressed by Peter in today’s passage. C.S. Lewis famously said that we all have to see Jesus in one of three ways: He is a Liar (not who He says He is) or He is a lunatic (someone deluded into thinking He is God), or He is Lord (Who He says He is).


Luke 9:18-20 (Page 622 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think Jesus asked the question, “Who do people say I am?”

  2. What does Peter’s answer reveal about him? Why do you think he had come to that conclusion?

  3. Why do you think so many people deny Jesus’ identity as the Son of God? What could help them to see Jesus differently?


Take time to worship Jesus. Not as just a wise teacher or good person, but as Christ, the son of the living God.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 35


As a former youth pastor, I can tell you that you don’t want to be around a bunch of hungry teenagers - they can turn into a ‘hangry’ mob quick. I don’t know if there were many teenagers in the crowd Jesus was speaking to, but I am sure there were a lot of grumbling stomachs. It was getting late and people were getting hungry. To the disciples it seemed like a no-brainer. Send the crowds home so they can cook dinner or hit a drive through on the way. But Jesus wanted to teach them something. So He asked them what they had to work with, and they produced five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus takes those simple ingredients and feeds thousands of people. There were even leftovers! Jesus wanted His followers to know that He could take whatever they brought to Him and make something great happen. He can do the same for us. Whatever we have (or feel we don’t have) can accomplish a lot when we place it in God’s hands.


Luke 9:10-17 (Page 622 in our house bibles)


  1. Can you think of a time when you were really hungry? How did you take care of your hunger?

  2. If you were one of the disciples, what would you have thought when Jesus said, “You feed them”?

  3. How have you seen God use what you have in your life to make a difference?


Thank God for His ability to take the little we have and use it in extraordinary ways. Ask Him to take your life and multiply it for His purposes today.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 33


There is a BIG difference between knowing about something and doing something. Remember, Jesus said the wise builder was the one who heard His words and did what He said, while the foolish only heard. After the disciples spent some time watching and listening to Jesus, He sent them out to do the same thing. He wanted them to practice what He preached. In the church today, all of us have the option. We can just sit back and listen to the Gospel (Good News) or we can go and live out what we have heard. When we start to DO the Word of God and not just LISTEN to the Word of God, it will require faith, just like Jesus told His disciples they would need.


Luke 9:1-9 (Page 622 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think Jesus told His disciples not to take much with them when He sent them out?2

  2. What is an example you can think of where you have gone from a hearer to a doer in your life?

  3. If someone only listens to God’s Word and never lives it out, what do you think the downside of that is?


Ask God to help you to listen to His word and then act on it today.


Today’s passage talks about two people who were healed by Jesus. One seems to be planned (Jesus was on His was to heal a little girl) and one seems to be unplanned (A woman touched Jesus robe and got healed). The woman that was healed in the crowd had a medical condition that had caused her to bleed for twelve years. This would have been a challenge physically, but also culturally for her. According to the Old Testament law, she was ‘unclean’ because of her bleeding. So for twelve years she could not go to church, she could not worship publicly, and she was cut off from many aspects of society. The healing she experienced was a healing of her heart and soul as well as her body. Thank God for His compassion for every aspect of our lives.


Luke 8:40-56 (Page 621 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think these two stories of healing teach us about Jesus’ heart for people?

  2. Why, in your opinion, did the crowd doubt and dismiss Jesus when He arrived at Jairus’ house?

  3. Do you believe that God still heals people today? Why or why not?


Think about people you know (family members, friends, coworkers, classmates, neighbors, etc.) who may need healing. Take some time to pray specifically for them, asking God to heal them.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 31


There are probably not many things more terrifying than being caught in storm out on a boat. I’ve only seen it in movies, and it does not look fun. The helpless feeling of being tossed around by the waves with the fear would be overwhelming. Most of us will never have that experience, but all of us will have to walk through some storms in our lives. In the same way that Jesus spoke to the storm and it stopped, He can speak to the storms we go through. Sometimes Jesus calms the storm. At other times, the circumstances around us don’t change, but Jesus speaks to the storm within us and brings peace. That’s what He did for the demon-possessed man. Storms might surround us, or they might fill us, but Jesus has the authority to calm them.


Luke 8:22-39 (Page 62 in our house bibles)


  1. Have you ever been stuck in a really bad storm (tornado, etc.)? How did you feel?

  2. Has there been a time when God calmed a stormy situation in your life? Did He change the circumstances or did he change you?

  3. If you were one of the disciples in that boat, how would you have felt in the storm? How about after Jesus calmed the storm?


Give your stormy situations to God. Ask Him to give you peace in the middle of your storm and help you to grow through this experience as you trust Him.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 30


“This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.” If you grew up in the church, you probably learned that song in Sunday School or kids church. Jesus said we are to be the ‘light of the world’ and that we don’t turn on a light then hide it, leaving the room dark. Someone once said about the church and the culture around it, “You can’t blame the darkness for being dark. You can only blame the light for not shining.” Why must the church shine in our world? So people will be pointed to Christ. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus said, “Let your light shine before people, so they will see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” We don’t shine to put the light on ourselves. We shine our light to glorify God.


Luke 8:16-21 (Page 621 in our house bibles)


  1. What, in your opinion, does it mean for a Christian or church to shine a light in the darkness?

  2. What do you think are some dark areas in our community where the church needs to be the light?

  3. What does hearing God’s word and obeying it have to do with shining our light for Christ?


Ask God to show you somewhere you can shine the light of Christ today.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 29


Our theme for this year at Journey Church is, “Cultivate.” We believe that God wants to grow something new in each of our lives and that we need to cultivate or prepare ourselves to receive it. That means setting aside time and space in our lives to listen to God and act on what He speaks to us. That’s not easy. There are plenty of distractions in life and a lot of things that want to choke out the work of God in us. In the parable of the farmer and the seed, Jesus identifies different types of soil and the people they represent. As you read this passage, take time to reflect on the spiritual condition of your heart. Is it hard? Are you living a shallow life? Is God’s Word and work being choked out by your pursuit of this world? Is there good soil ready for growing?


Luke 8:4-15 (Page 620 in our house bibles)


  1. If you were to honestly assess your heart right now, which soil would best represent it?

  2. What do you think are some of the ways we can cultivate God’s presence in our lives?

  3. If your heart is anything but good soil (hard, shallow, conflicted), what can you do today to start cultivating it? Who or what can help you with that.


Open your heart to God. Tell Him what the soil of your life looks like right now. Ask Him to help you cultivate the work He wants to do in you.

All IN Summer Devotional: Day 28


In many parts of the world today, there is a discussion of women’s rights, equal pay for women, and what equality really looks like. Some people feel these issues have been resolved and that equality has been achieved, while others think there is still a long way to go. In Luke’s day, these conversations were not being had. It was a very male dominant culture and women were often treated more as possessions than people. But in Luke 8, the author makes sure to let us know that it wasn’t just a boys club following Jesus. Women were a significant part of Jesus’ ministry. We might look at that list today and not think much of it, but at the time of Luke’s writing, including these women would have been a significant statement that what Jesus was bringing to the world was for all people. Jesus cut across many cultural boundary lines with His message and ministry, and gender was one of them.


Luke 8:1-3 (Page 620 in our house bibles)


  1. How do you think our faith in Christ should affect our treatment of all people?

  2. What are some ways the church can set an example for the culture around us in how men and women treat one another?


Thank Jesus for coming into this world to show that all people are created in the image of God and are equal in His sight. Ask God to help you to see all people that way, no matter their gender, race, social status, or background.