All IN Summer Devotional: Days 26 & 27


In the last several years, reality television has become one of the most popular genres of show. I am convinced that one of the reasons we like reality shows is that when we compare our lives to some of the people in the show, our lives don’t look so bad. “I may not have it all together,” we think, “but I am certainly not as messed up as she is...” We love to compare, especially when we come out on top. We can do the same thing spiritually, comparing our virtues to the faults of others and feeling pretty good about ourselves. But in today’s text, Jesus reminds us that we all have much to be grateful for, because we’ve all been forgiven of a lot. Those who have been forgiven much will love much, and those who feel they’ve been forgiven little, love little. In this story, we are reminded that the Gospel is for all (All in!) and often the person you would least expect is the hero in God’s eyes.


Luke 7:36-50 (Page 620 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think about the actions of the woman toward Jesus? Put yourself in her shoes. What do you think she was feeling and thinking?

  2. What, in your opinion, did Jesus want Simon the Pharisee to learn?

  3. Is your love for God reflective of all you have been given and forgiven?


Thank God for all He has forgiven you of and if there is anyone that you need to forgive, ask God to help you to forgive and release them.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 25


When you read the Bible, you realize that some of the most famous people that God used had times of doubt. Abraham and Sarah had them. Moses had them. David had them. Jesus’ own disciples had them. The great thing is that God does not reject us because of our doubts. He knows we are human and can’t always see how He is at work. To our doubts He says, “Trust Me,” and reminds us that He will always be with us. John the Baptist had his doubts too. Even though he kept telling people that Jesus was the Messiah, because of his circumstances he started to wonder, “Did I miss it? Was I wrong about Jesus?” So, if you’ve ever doubted God or wondered what He was (or wasn’t) doing, you’re not alone. Be encouraged, trust that God has a plan, and know that He is with you every step of the way.


Luke 7:18-35 (Page 620 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think John was second-guessing Jesus?

  2. Have you ever had any doubts about God? How did you resolve those doubts?

  3. What do you think of Jesus’ answer to John’s disciples? How do you thing that would have helped John?


Thank God that He is big enough to handle our doubts and fears. If there is a situation that you are facing that is causing you to doubt God’s goodness or power, ask Him for insight and faith to believe.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 24


What would it take for you to amaze God? Is it even possible? Apparently it is. There was a Roman soldier who had so much faith in Jesus that Luke tells us that Jesus was amazed. In fact, He told the crowd around Him that the Roman had more faith than anyone He had met in Israel. And Jesus does what the officer was asking and believing for, He heals his servant. How much faith does it take to amaze God? Apparently not that much. Later Jesus would teach that if we have faith the size of a tiny mustard seed, we could move mountains. Jesus seems to teach that it is not the size of our faith, but who or what we put our faith in that matters.


Luke 7:1-17 (Page 619 in our house bibles)


  1. What do you think the officer meant when he said, “I am under     authority and I have people under my authority”?  What does that have to do with faith?

  2. Why do you think Jesus was so amazed by this man’s faith?

  3. Is it hard for you to have faith when you ask God for something? Why or why not? What builds your faith?


Ask God to give you amazing faith today.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 23


The Sermon on the Mount is the longest and most well-known of Jesus’ teachings. It is found in chapters 5-7 of the Gospel of Matthew. When you read it, you will find many familiar sayings of Jesus, maybe even some things you didn’t realize Jesus said. In today’s passage, Luke shares some of the Sermon on the Mount with his readers. While not a word-for-word copy of the Matthew passage, it shares many of the same thoughts. This could be Luke’s notes from the same sermon, or these could be things Jesus repeated more than once. Either way, the important thing, Luke tells us, is to take these words and put them into practice. Jesus shares the parable of the wise and foolish builders here in Luke as He does in Matthew. Basically Jesus is saying that all the wisdom and information in the world won’t help you if you don’t put it into practice.


Luke 6:20-49 (Page 619 in our house bibles)


  1. Which of Jesus’ teachings in this passage jumped out at you the most as you read it?

  2. If you could choose one truth that Jesus taught in this sermon and apply it to your life today, which would it be?

  3. What is the difference between the wise and foolish builder in Jesus’ story? How do you think that plays out in our lives?


Ask God to help you apply and live out Jesus’ teaching and become a doer, not just a hearer, of His Word.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 22


When you have a big decision to make, how do you typically go about it? Do you do your research? Talk to a trusted friend? Go with your gut? Put it out there on a Twitter poll? Freeze and do nothing? Do you pray about it? In our passage today, Jesus chooses the twelve disciples. There were tons of people who followed Jesus (they were waiting for Him everywhere He went), but Jesus chose twelve to be His closest followers? Why twelve? Maybe it had something to do with the twelve tribes of Israel? Whatever the case, what really jumps out about Jesus’ decision is that He spent all night praying about it before He made it. When is the last time you prayed - really prayed - about a decision you had to make? If Jesus, who knew everything about everyone wanted to pray all night about His decision, how much more do we need prayer to guide us?


Luke 6:12-19 (Page 618 in our house bibles)


  1. If Jesus is fully God and knows all things, why do you think He prayed all night before choosing His disciples?

  2. What is the biggest decision you have made in the last year? How did you make that decision?

  3. How important is prayer for you when you make decisions? Is it easy or challenging for you to pray?


If you have a decision you need to make, pray and ask God to guide you and give you wisdom to make the right choice.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 21


In our hurried and hectic culture today, people are looking for ways to ‘unplug’ and get rested and recharged. Ask anyone how they’ve been and odds are you will hear, “I’ve been so busy,” as a part of their reply. We are not designed to live the 24/7 life that so many of us are experiencing. God knew that, so He created the Sabbath. At the very beginning of the bible, God creates the world in six days, then He rests on the seventh. When He gave the Ten Commandments to Israel in Exodus 20, He codifies the Sabbath and tells them to, “remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” The Sabbath is God’s way of telling us to trust Him with our time. To trust that He can help us to get more done in six days than we can do in seven days on our own (Hey, it’s working for Chic-fil-a). But the people had turned the Sabbath into a rule and a burden. Jesus wanted them to see that the Sabbath was a gift from God, not a duty.


Luke 6:1-11 (Page 618 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think the religious leaders were so mad that Jesus healed someone on the Sabbath? Do you think they missed the point?

  2. In the New Testament, Jesus says, “Man was not created for the Sabbath, the Sabbath was created for man.” What do you think He meant by that?

  3. Is it hard for you to Sabbath? To take a day and not work (at your job, on your chores or to do list)? Why do you think that is?


Thank God that He loves us enough to give us the gift of the Sabbath. If you struggle to actually take a day of Sabbath each week, ask Him to help you trust Him with your time and His provision.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Days 19 & 20


Jesus and His followers ofter came under criticism for not following the traditions and customs of Judaism. Fasting (refraining from eating) and prayer were considered signs of piety and righteousness, so people often did them to be seen by others. But Jesus’ followers didn’t do that. When called on it, Jesus said that there would be a time for fasting, but right now was a time of celebration. Then He gives a couple of illustrations about putting patches of new cloth on old clothes and putting new wine in old wineskins. What Jesus seems to be saying is, “I am doing a new thing and it’s not always going to fit with the old things.” There is nothing wrong with traditions. Many are good and make us feel good (like family traditions at the holidays, etc.) But there are also times when God wants to do something new in our lives and we can’t be so locked in to our traditions that we miss what He has for us.


Luke 5:33-38 (Page 618 in our house bibles)


  1. Have you ever fasted for spiritual reasons? If so, what was your experience like? If not, why have you never tried it?

  2. In your opinion, was Jesus saying that fasting and prayer aren’t that important? What do you think He was trying to say?

  3. How do you think we can hold onto helpful traditions and stay open to something new that God may do?


Ask God to help you to be open, flexible, and willing to experience something new from Him today. Also ask Him for wisdom and discernment to know when to hold onto something from the past and when to let go.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 18


Being a tax collector has probably never been a good way to become popular. Not many of us send cards and well wishes along with our 1040’s every April. But in Matthew’s case, it was worse than that. As a tax collector in Israel, Matthew was despised. The taxes he collected were not for Israel, they were for the Roman Empire. He was taking from the poor to give to the Emperor. On top of that, most of the tax collectors were skimming from what they took in or charging extra taxes which they pocketed. So it probably shocked a lot of people when Jesus invited Matthew to leave his tax booth to follow Him. What did Jesus see in a puppet for the Romans? Who knows? But that’s the good news - Jesus doesn’t choose us because we deserve it, He chooses us because He has a better plan for our lives. It worked out. Matthew became one of Jesus’ twelve chosen disciples and ended up writing one of the four Gospels in the New Testament.


Luke 5:27-32 (Page 618 in our house bibles)


  1. If you were to think of an unlikely profession for Jesus to choose a follower from today, what comes to mind?

  2. Who do you think was more surprised at Jesus’ invitation, Matthew, or the other people already following Jesus? Why?

  3. Do you know someone who seemed unlikely to follow Jesus who is now doing so? What does that tell you about God’s heart for us?


Thank God that He chooses to love and call people because of Who He is, not because of how qualified or good those people are. Thank Him for choosing you.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 17


Today’s text talk about two people that were healed by Jesus. The first was a man with leprosy, which is a disease that causes your flesh to rot, die, and fall off your body. If you had leprosy, you were required to stay away from people so they wouldn’t touch you and get the disease. When Jesus heals him, He does the opposite. He intentionally reaches out and touches him. Jesus didn’t need to touch him, He could have just done it. But that touch meant a lot to a guy that had not felt human touch for a long time. It shows us the love Jesus had for the man. Then, Jesus heals a man whose friends were determined to get in front of Jesus. Those friends showed a lot of faith. In this passage, we see both great love and great faith.


Luke 5:12-26 (Page 617 in our house bibles)


  1. Do you think there was significance in Jesus touching the man with leprosy to heal him? What do you think that touch did for that man?

  2. When you read about the man lowered through the roof by his friends, what sticks out to you in that story?

  3. How do you think the church can follow in Jesus’ footsteps when it comes to showing love the hurting people around us?


Ask God to show you someone today who is hurting and needs to feel the love of God. Ask for wisdom to know how you can share that love and encouragement with them.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 16


I love the idea of being a part of something that is bigger than me. You get that feeling if you are on a sports team that wins a championship or if you are part of a project at work and you accomplish something as a group that none of you could do alone. Individual wins are good, but doing something significant as a group is great. Maybe that’s what Peter and his friends felt when Jesus invited them to drop their fishing nets and come with Him to “fish for people.” He was inviting them to do something that would change the world. Apparently His invitation was too good to pass up because they dropped what they were doing for a change to follow Jesus. That invitation still goes out to us today. We have the opportunity to be a part of His kingdom, which is so much bigger than our personal kingdoms.


Luke 5:1-11 (Page 617 in our house bibles)


  1. How did Jesus get Peter’s attention? How has God gotten your attention in the past?

  2. When Jesus says, “Let’s go fish for people,” what do you think He means? What do you think He meant?

  3. In your opinion, what do you think it means to be a part of the kingdom of God? What role can you play in that kingdom?


Give thanks to God for sending Jesus into this world to “fish for people” including you. Ask Him to show you how you can be a part of the kingdom of God and make an impact today.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 15


Recently, a movie was released called The Pope’s Exorcist. The movie, starring Russell Crowe as the personal exorcist to the Pope. Exorcism is the casting out of demons and as we read through Luke, you will see instances of Jesus casting demons out of people. This is a supernatural act and sometimes is hard to wrap our heads around when we look at it from our natural, human perspective. Jesus also heals many people. Sometimes exorcism is what brings them healing and sometimes Jesus heals them of an illness, injury, or disease. The point is that He knows what is needed in every situation and wants to set people free, whether from spiritual bondage or physical illness.


Luke 4:29-44 (Page 617 in our house bibles)


  1. When you read that Jesus cast a demon out of someone, what are your thoughts? Do you believe in angels and demons? Why or why not?

  2. Have you ever experienced a supernatural healing in your body? If so, how do you know it was God who did it?

  3. Do you think that Jesus’ teaching was enhanced by the healing and deliverance that was taking place? How would those things make you take Jesus more seriously?


If you struggle to believe/understand how Jesus could miraculously heal or deliver people from demonic possession, you can take your doubts and questions to God and ask Him to reveal truth to you. If you need healing in your body, or know someone who does, ask God to bring healing.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 14


When someone becomes famous, acts heroically, or accomplishes something great, there is often a celebration of for them in their hometown. New York City is famous for its ticker-tape parades as winning teams or war heroes are showered with confetti as they ride down the street. In today’s passage, Jesus returns to His hometown and announces that the Scriptures about the Messiah are going to be fulfilled - by Him. You would think the town would celebrate and give Him a key to the city (what do those even open?) but instead, they ridiculed Him. They could not believe that someone they knew as a kid and who was one of them could be the Messiah. Jesus said, “A prophet is rejected in his own hometown.” Sometimes the people who know us best have a hard time seeing who we are and who we are becoming.


Luke 4:14-28 (Page 617 in our house bibles)


  1. When Jesus reads from the scroll of Isaiah, which description of the Messiah is most hopeful to you?

  2. Why do you think the people in Nazareth had such a hard time accepting Jesus’ words?

  3. Has there ever been a time when you have struggled to believe God because what He said didn’t match your idea of what He should say or do?


Ask God to help you see Jesus for who He really is this summer and to have an open mind to what He wants to teach you as you study the life of Jesus in Luke.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Days 12 & 13


Back in the 70s, there was a comedian who made a tagline of the phrase, “The Devil made me do it!” It was his “out” when he said something inappropriate or got caught doing something wrong. All of us are tempted to do the wrong thing sometimes, whether by the devil, another person, or our own desires. We can point fingers and put the blame on someone else, but in the end, we make our own choices. The Bible tells us that Jesus Himself was tempted in all ways, just like us. In the wilderness, He faced three tempting tests that appealed to His comfort and His identity. Jesus passed those tests and set an example for us on how to resist temptation in our own lives.


Luke 4:1-13 (Page 616 in our house bibles)


  1. Which of Jesus’ temptations do you think would be the most difficult to resist?

  2. When you face temptation, how do you typically resist it? What keeps you from giving in?

  3. Have you ever used the Scriptures to help you resist temptation? (IDEA: Look up some Scriptures that speak to the things you are commonly tempted by)


God knows our thoughts and actions. He knows what we struggle with and what tempts us. Ask Him for wisdom and strength as you deal with temptation today. Ask Him also to speak to you through the Scriptures so you can build a defense against temptation.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 11


In today’s really short passage, we read about Jesus’ baptism (you can read longer, expanded versions of this story in the other Gospels). Jesus didn’t have anything to repent of, the Bible tells us that He lived a sinless life. He was tempted in every way like us, but He never sinned. His baptism was kind of a coming out party for Jesus. It was His first step onto the public stage and the beginning of His ministry.

When Jesus is baptized, the voice of God the Father is heard saying, “You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy.” One interesting thing about this that at this point, Jesus hasn’t done anything too amazing. No miracles. No healings. No one raised from the dead. He hasn’t wowed crowds of thousands with His teaching. But He brought the Father great joy. What an encouragement for us today! Through faith in Jesus we are called, “sons and daughters of God,” and the Father finds great joy in us, not because of His love for us. You don’t have to do anything to make that happen. What a gift!


Luke 3:21-22 (Page 616 in our house bibles)


  1. Why do you think Jesus chose to get baptized by John?

  2. Have you ever been baptized as a testimony to your faith in Jesus? If so, what did it mean to you? If not, why haven’t you?

  3. What does it mean to you to know that God finds great joy in you just because?


Thank God that even though you didn’t and couldn’t earn His love, He takes great joy in you today. Give Him thanks for the love that He has shown to you in your life.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 10


Just as Luke describes a unique and supernatural birth and destiny for Jesus, he tells us that his cousin, John, has a special purpose as well. John grew up to be known as “John the Baptist” because he was always calling people to repent and then he baptized them. You wouldn’t think that being told to repent of sin would draw a crowd, but John did. People from all walks of life came from far and wide to listen to John and be baptized.

Repentance means more than being sorry. It means to stop doing wrong and start doing right. When people asked John what to do, he told them to do the opposite of what they had been doing. If they had been lying, he told them to tell the truth. If they were cheating people, he told them to be honest. John was doing all of this to prepare the way for Jesus’ ministry that was to come.


Luke 3:1-20 (Page 615 in our house bibles)


  1. When you read this passage, how do you picture John the Baptist?

  2. What does the word “repent” mean to you?

  3. What would repentance look like in your life? If there is a sin you are struggling with, what would it look like to do the opposite?


Ask God to help you search your heart. If there are things there you need to repent of, ask Him to forgive you AND help you to turn from those things and do the opposite.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 9


As a parent (or a babysitter, caretaker, or friend), one of the scariest things you can experience is losing track of a child in a crowded place. If you’ve ever had that experience, you know time stands still and your mind fills with all kinds of worst-case scenarios. Some of those thoughts must have been rattling around in Joseph and Mary as they searched for their missing twelve year-old son, Jesus. As they ran from place to place, searching, they must have wondered why he had wandered. When they finally find him, he is sitting in the Temple, having a boy-to-men conversation with the religious teaching. And they were amazed at what he was saying. His parents weren’t too happy, but they also realized there was something different about this kid. And Mary “treasured these things in her heart.”


Luke 2:41-52 (Page 615 in our house bibles)


  1. Have you ever lost someone in a crowded place? How did that feel?

  2. What do you think Jesus’ parents thought while they searched? How do you think they felt when they found him in the temple?

  3. What are the ways, according to Luke 2:52, that Jesus grew in his life? How do you think that is an example for us?


Ask God to help you to grow in all ways in your life (physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially).

ALL IN Summer Devotions: Day 8


Abraham Lincoln is considered one of America’s greatest presidents. His leadership through the Civil War and his signing of the Emancipation Proclamation are some of the reasons he is carved into Mt. Rushmore and etched into our history books. But Lincoln wasn’t always admired. For most of his early life, and even during his candidacy for president, he was mocked for his humble beginnings and family history. Lincoln was born and raised in a one-room cabin that was only 288 square feet, and had a dirt floor and a single window.

In today’s passage, we get a glimpse of Jesus’ humble beginnings. Luke tells us that Jesus was taken to the temple to be dedicated, following the Jewish law. As part of His dedication, his parents sacrificed a pair of young birds, as the law required. But, what Luke doesn’t say, is that this was the sacrifice for a poor person. The true requirement was for the sacrifice of a lamb. But if a family could not afford that, they were to offer a couple birds instead (see Leviticus 12:6-8). Jesus’ humble beginnings are revealed in this passage and remind us that God often uses people and things that are overlooked to accomplish His plans.


Luke 2:21-40 (Page 615 in our house bibles)


  1. Who is someone famous that you know came from humble beginnings?

  2. What does it mean to you that Jesus started His life on earth so simply?

  3. Have you ever limited what you ask God for because of your past or where you have come from?


Thank God that He is able to incredible things with people who others may overlook. Ask Him to use your life to make an impact that is bigger than your abilities.

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 6/7


I have a couple of friends who are obsessed with Christmas. One of the ways I know this is that in the middle of the summer, while everyone else is enjoying cookouts, vacations, and fireworks, they are posting on social media that there are, “only _____ days until Christmas!” (By the way, if you are reading this on June 10, it is 198 days...) For some people the excitement of Christmas never goes away. Today’s reading is the Christmas account in Luke 2. It is a story that is very familiar to many of us. It may be so familiar to us that we miss the amazing joy that is revealed in the words of the angel as he spoke to the shepherds, “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.” That good news is still bringing joy to people today. If we are not careful, the good news can become old news to us and our great joy may fade. As you read the story of Jesus’ birth, may you do so with fresh eyes. Put yourself in the story. Imagine being one of those shepherds. Or a resident of Bethlehem. May the joy of Christmas fill your heart in June!


Luke 2:1-20 (Page 614 in our house bibles)


  1. What are your favorite things about Christmas?

  2. When you read about the shepherds’ experience, what are your first thoughts and feelings? (Awe? Fear? Joy? Shock?)

  3. How does Jesus’ birth demonstrate God’s willingness to use anyone anywhere?

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 5


“What will this child turn out to be?” That’s a question that many of us have asked as new parents or grandparents. As you stare down at the beautiful new life, it seems impossible to imagine them as a third grader, let alone a grown woman or man. It’s even harder to imagine who they will become - an electrician? A physician? A programmer? A teacher? It would be great if every new child came with an instruction manual that would give us all the answers. In our reading today, we learn about the birth of John the Baptist. People were sure there was something different, something special about this little guy, but what? Zechariah, John’s father knew. After not being able to speak for nine months, his first words are a prophecy. His son would be the one to introduce Jesus to the world as their hope and the Messiah (which means “the anointed one,” or, “the chosen one”). Zechariah knew the prayers of God’s people were going to be answered. And he knew that his son was going to reveal that to the world.


Luke 1:57-80 (Page 614 in our house bibles)


  1. When you were growing up, what did you want to become, or think you would become one day?

  2. How do you think Zechariah and Elizabeth felt raising a son who had such a special purpose for his life? How would you have felt?

  3. John’s story reminds us that God can and will use everyone, even two people “too old to become first-time parents.” How does that make you feel?

ALL IN Summer Devotional: Day 4


When Mary goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth, that has to be one of the most unusual gatherings of all time. First, you have Elizabeth, a woman too old to have children, pregnant with a son who would one day introduce the Messiah to the world, and Mary, a virgin, who is pregnant with the Messiah, a baby who would, “take away the sins of the world.” A major theme of the gospel of Luke is that Jesus’ sacrifice and His kingdom is for everyone. Here, we see two women that would not have had status or power in their world playing vital roles in the story of Jesus. There may be times you feel inadequate or unheard because of your social status, your sex, your race, or some other factor, but the Gospel reminds us that we are all equal and uniquely created by God. We learn that from the teaching of Jesus and it is baked into His own story.


Luke 1:39-56 (Page 614 in our house bibles)


  1. Is there a line or thought in Mary’s song that sticks out to you? Why?

  2. How does the birth story of Jesus give you encouragement?

  3. Has there ever been a situation where you thought, “I am not qualified”? How does the Gospel speak to those feelings?


Thank God that His plan for saving and changing the world is for everyone, including you. If there are any places where you have felt unqualified or overlooked, thank Him that He wants to include you in His plans.