When you have a big decision to make, how do you typically go about it? Do you do your research? Talk to a trusted friend? Go with your gut? Put it out there on a Twitter poll? Freeze and do nothing? Do you pray about it? In our passage today, Jesus chooses the twelve disciples. There were tons of people who followed Jesus (they were waiting for Him everywhere He went), but Jesus chose twelve to be His closest followers? Why twelve? Maybe it had something to do with the twelve tribes of Israel? Whatever the case, what really jumps out about Jesus’ decision is that He spent all night praying about it before He made it. When is the last time you prayed - really prayed - about a decision you had to make? If Jesus, who knew everything about everyone wanted to pray all night about His decision, how much more do we need prayer to guide us?
Luke 6:12-19 (Page 618 in our house bibles)
If Jesus is fully God and knows all things, why do you think He prayed all night before choosing His disciples?
What is the biggest decision you have made in the last year? How did you make that decision?
How important is prayer for you when you make decisions? Is it easy or challenging for you to pray?
If you have a decision you need to make, pray and ask God to guide you and give you wisdom to make the right choice.