United Devotional: Day 12

The Set-Up: 

My husband’s mom used to tell us how she helped her children get along: if they had spats while doing dishes, she would sit them in chairs facing each other and holding hands until they were willing to say “I love you.” Oh, that unity in the body of Christ could be maintained that easily!

Paul made an appeal to the Corinthians to live in unity.  He was asking them to live in harmony but not at the elimination of diversity.  Harmony means we can agree to disagree and still walk together in unity.  It also means we can be united in vision and purpose while sharing differing opinions.  Disagreements will happen, but we will survive them if they are clothed with love and grace.

Passage to Read:  1 Corinthians 1:10

Reflection Questions:

  1.  Are there ways I create division by my words and/or actions?  If so, what can I change to be united in mind and thought with my brothers and sisters?

  2. What are some practical ways I can model unity?

Prayer Idea:  Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any areas where you are creating division in the body of Christ. Pray for forgiveness and ask for help to live in harmony.

This devotional was written by Robin Pfadenhauer.

United Devotional: Day 11

The Set-Up:

The most challenging thing for any individual is to place the needs of others above their own. However, this is the only way to experience the blessings present in a church community.

Imagine for a moment that every member of your church is a blessing waiting for you to receive; however, the only way to access that blessing is to acknowledge and appreciate where that blessing comes from.

In 1 Corinthians, Paul the Apostle addresses many of the mindsets that bring about division in the church. As a result, this keeps us from experiencing the multiplicity of blessings through the many gifts God has given His people. We are sanctified in Jesus Christ but called to be saints together. Sanctified or set apart to show the character of Christ. Together or unified by a love for others. This love that Paul speaks of does not allow preferences and selfish behavior to destroy the purpose of the church. I believe that is why he emphasizes the importance of love in chapter thirteen.

We are sanctified because Jesus loved us and gave His life in service for us. Truly being together as the body of Christ requires us to serve one another out of love. Christ’s love sets us apart from the world and holds us together as His people!

Passage to Read: 1 Corinthians 1:1-3, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Reflection Questions:

  1. What is your greatest challenge when putting others before yourself?

  2. Why do you think Paul begins his letter to the Corinthian Church by telling them they are sanctified in Christ and called together?

  3. What is your greatest difficulty in being together with others and why?

Prayer Idea: While you pray, ask God to help you recognize where your preferences hold you back from experiencing His purpose in your life. Ask if there are mindsets that He wants you to set aside so that you can be set apart more for His will. Ask him to reveal any fear, offense, bias, or sin in your life — where do you need to forgive or repent concerning applying love in every area of your life and relationships?

This blog post was written by Derek Sissel.

United Devotional: Day 10

The Set-Up:

Have there been times when you don’t feel fit for the calling God has placed on your life? You are in good company if you do!

Many other Christians have shared those same feelings of inadequacy, but it’s important that we remember God’s wisdom and ways are far greater than worldly wisdom.  God will choose things that look weak, unworthy, or even foolish in our worldly standards to prove Himself and give Himself all the glory. Thank God for that! He doesn’t look for the most qualified, influential, or wise.  When we do things in our own strength and influence, we rob God of the glory he is due. If you don’t feel qualified, then you are the one for the job!

Passage to Read:

1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have you ever done things in your own power verse what you knew God wanted you to do? How did that go?

  2. In what areas of your life are you working in your own power and influence instead of God’s? How can you change?

  3. Is God calling you to do something that seems foolish in your eyes? How might you grow if you do it?

Prayer Idea:

As you pray, take some time to identify what God may be calling you to do, or places you have been working in only your own power.  Ask God to help you focus on boasting only in the Lord instead of your own name. 

This devotional was written by Andrew Bates.

United Devotional: Day 9

The Set-Up:

During the years we have served in Guinea, West Africa, there have been several instances when people have brought false accusations against Tom, pertaining to finances, hoping to get lots of money from him.

On one occasion, Tom was called before the state secret police and for three days, he had to respond to pages of accusations. He stayed calm and answered all the questions. At the end of the inquiry, the secret police, who were unbelievers, were amazed at all he had done in Guinea to help people who were poor and needy.

Tom’s accusers turned out to be two men who professed to believe in Jesus and attended one of our churches. The authorities told Tom that he had grounds to charge both men for defamation of character and they could both be fined large amounts and spend several years in prison. Tom responded, "I don't want to do that. If I did, what would their family members, who are unbelievers, think of me? Would they ever listen when I would try to share Jesus' love for them later?" All charges were dropped. The secret police had huge respect for Tim and the two accusers "lost face" before their fellow countrymen.


1 Corinthians 6:1-6

Reflection Questions: 

  1. What do you do when you are falsely accused by another Christian? 

  2. Do you speak about it to unbelievers and ask for their judgment? 

  3. Before unbelievers, would your testimony for Jesus stand strong or would it be tainted in such a way as to bring shame to those who bear the name of Christ? 

Prayer Ideas: 

When others come against you, ask God for wisdom in what to do. Go to Christian brothers/sisters and ask them to pray with you. Ask God to help you forgive those who have hurt you and pray for them. Ask God to help you always be a shining example of Jesus.

United Devotional: Day 8

The Set-up

My kids love to snack… constantly. Their snacks of choice are things like potato chips, granola bars, or gummy snacks. We have to always have to keep an eye on our kids to make sure they’re not filling up on too many treats. The snacks should not replace their meals. There’s a difference between the two. Treats are a great way to temporarily satisfy your hunger, but a well-prepared meal can sustain you for much longer.

In the third chapter of 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul says that the church in Corinth was “not able to receive” solid food (meaning deeper spiritual teachings). It wasn’t that God was preventing them from receiving “solid food”. The real issue was that they were filling themselves up with spiritual “junk food,” teachings based on human wisdom and eloquence, that they couldn’t receive the solid food offered by Paul. For others, their spiritual taste buds had been so conditioned to the junk food, that’s all they would crave.

Spiritual junk food is dangerous because it feels like we are feeding our spirits - yet it doesn’t actually help. Just because it tastes good doesn’t mean it’s good for you. God is willing to feed you with deeper revelation and knowledge. Can you stomach it?



1 Corinthians 3:1-2


Reflection Questions:

  1. What are you feeding your spirit? Things that make you “feel good”? Or things that please God? What’s the difference?

  2. Are there any Biblical truths that are hard for you to swallow?

  3. What changes need to be made in order for you to maintain a healthy “spiritual” diet?


Prayer Idea: 

Ask God to reveal areas in your life that may not line up with His will. Ask him to retrain your spiritual cravings for things that will last. Pray for wisdom in areas and issues that may seem “hard to swallow.”

This devotional was written by Chris Cavan.

United Devotional: Day 7

The Set-Up:

The Great Commission leads me to believe that Jesus’s main priority for us as Christians is to tell the world about Him. And yet, sharing our faith can bring out fear, insecurities, self-doubt, and intimidation (to name a few).

The Apostle Paul states that he didn’t use clever or persuasive speech when sharing his faith. He spoke plainly and relied on the Holy Spirit. He later points out that all knowledge, abilities, giftedness, generosity, and even faith, are completely worthless without the capacity to love others. So rather than worry about the depth of our theology, or how we’ll be perceived, let’s just care for people. Talk, listen, help, and maybe even allow them to help you. Do you have a story (or stories) in your life about the love, power, grace, forgiveness, and provision given to you by Jesus? Tell it, and then watch the Holy Spirit do His thing.

Passage to Read:

1 Corinthians 2:1-5, 13:1-3

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Do you struggle with insecurities about sharing your faith?

  2. Do you believe that the same spirit that worked through Paul can work through you?

  3. When given, would you be willing to step out in faith and take the opportunity to show someone the love of Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit an opportunity to move?

Prayer Idea:

Let’s pray for a bold faith that is stronger than our fears, a heart that breaks for those who are searching (even the difficult ones), and opportunities for the Holy Spirit to speak and act through us.

This devotional was written by Matt Sanford.

United Devotional: Day 6

The Set-Up:

In a world full of Photoshop and instant gratification, it’s easy to buy the lie that if we don’t like something, we can and should change it. If we don’t like our physical appearance, there’s surgery to fix it. If we don’t like our relationship status, there is a dating service to change it. If we don’t like our circumstances, we can buy, charm, run or fight our way out of it. But what if the circumstances we’re in are exactly where God wants us to be?

We are called to live the life we are given. Each one of us has unique value, insight, and experience God wants to work through to share the good news about Jesus. Our lives were not meant to be a comparison party where we attempt to constantly gain or achieve other people’s stuff and circumstances. When we are being who God made us to be in the circumstances He has given us, people can look at our lives and ask: “How does she have so much peace in the midst of ___?” or “How can he be so generous when he has so little?”

When we find ourselves in less than desirable circumstances and prayer doesn’t seem to be changing them, maybe we need to change our prayer. Instead of focusing on finding a way out, ask for a change of perspective about the situation. Watch and see how God works through the struggle for your strength and His glory.


1 Corinthians 7:17-24

Reflect Questions:

  1. Have you ever struggled with comparing your life or circumstances to those around you?

  2. What is an area in your life where you would like to see God change your circumstances? How could a change in attitude or perspective help?

Prayer Idea:

Ask God to reveal any envy in your heart. If you are struggling with comparing yourself to others or their circumstances, ask God to give you His peace. God tells us that He will give us wisdom if we ask - ask Him for wisdom on how to live in your current situation in a way that imitates Christ.

This devotional was written by Derek Weidman.

United Devotional: Day 5

The Set-Up:

Ever been in a situation in life where envy, regret, jealousy, and desire to be something else led you to try to control a situation on your own? Instead of remaining in Christ and allowing Him to work whatever way works in accordance with His will, you did it your own way?

Sometimes we try to change our situation instead of allowing God to move in the situation. We value control and we think if we had what they had, or if our life fit into that mold, or if our circumstance could be more like a circumstance that feels better, we ourselves would “feel” better. Life would be better.

This is what Paul is talking about in this section of 1 Corinthians, sandwiched between marriage and singleness. Paul wants us to “remain with God” instead of fighting against Him because of discontentment with our lives. We are to seek to honor Him with the life He has given us, even if it’s not the life we would have “pictured” for ourselves. Abide with Christ, and seek to serve Him no matter the circumstances you are faced with. 


1 Corinthians 7.17-24

Reflection Questions:

  1. Are there areas of your life where envy has shown itself?

  2. Does this passage mean that you have to stay in whatever situation you are in forever? Why or why not?

  3. What does it mean to “remain in God”?

  4. What disciplines can you put in place to seek to honor God with your life?

Prayer idea:

Take some time to pray over your life, and ask God to show you ways that you can honor Him, put Him on full display, and how you can be content with the life He has given you. Also, pray for others in your circle of influence to live life in such a way that honors God, no matter the circumstances they may be facing.

This devotional was written by Phil Culham

United Devotional: Day 4

The Set-Up:

Practice is important. Do you know the saying, “Practice makes perfect”? It is said that a good MLB defensive player will envision scenarios on where the ball will go and where they need to throw it if it was hit to them. Some think about this between every pitch. If they were to just go onto the field and let things play out, that could spell disaster.

Walking through life aimlessly can be dangerous. Paul challenges us to think differently about our lives now that we have chosen to follow Christ. In 1 Corinthians 9, Paul lays out the argument that he has given up his rights completely for his faith. At the end of the chapter, he explains how he chooses to focus on life as an athlete. Prepare your heart for the race God has called you to.

Passage to Read:

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Reflection Questions:

  1. What has driven you to succeed at something in the past? What is Paul hinting at that is the motivating factor for us running the race to win?

  2. Paul is essentially saying “practice what you preach.”How does your public life line up with your faith?

  3. What can you add to your life to help you have a daily focus on running this marathon?

Prayer Idea:

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you ways that you can run this race. Be open to God speaking to you about things that way you down from running it well, and discovering a deep purpose so that you can run to the best of your ability.

United Devotional: Day 3

The Set Up:

Sometimes, even when we are following Jesus, we can fall into comparison and competition. “I can do it better” or “I’m no good compared to...” “My leader is better than yours!”

In this passage, Paul asks, “What…is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants…” Then it says, “neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything…” Now, this can make it sound like Paul and Apollos aren’t very important. But they are – especially as a team. But it is God who made it grow.

Sometimes there are divisions & disappointments because we put all of our hope in our own ability, or in our chosen leader and we compare that to others. But we so easily forget that we are all to be in partnership with God. Without Him, we are nothing. God could do anything He wanted to do all by Himself. But because He loves and values us so much, He works in partnership with us to accomplish His purposes!

Passage to Read:

I Corinthians 3:5-10

Reflection Questions:

  1. What gifts and abilities do you have to offer? Do you tend to over-rely on your own abilities, or do you tend to lack confidence in your abilities?

  2. Who do you follow and how much do you depend on them for your hope and happiness? A pastor? A politician? A spouse? Somebody else?

  3. How might your attitude and approach be different if you realized that in everything you do, you are God’s “fellow worker” in partnership with Him!

Prayer idea:

Ask God to show you if you have put too much of your hope or happiness on your own ability, or on another person rather than on God. If so, confess that to Him and commit to living every day in partnership with Him.

United Devotional: Day 2

The Set-Up:

Have you ever thought, "If Jesus were here on earth right now everything would be better!" But Jesus Himself knew that the best thing for us would be for Him to ascend to Heaven and send the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit shows God's redemptive plan for us and even shares the secrets of God with us. What a friendship! Not only does the Spirit guide us into the truth, but He also shares with us the mystery of a limitless Father, and shows us Jesus.

Did you know there are countless wonderful things God has given us without us having to earn them? I don't know about you, but l want to receive those gifts! 

Passage to Read:

1 Corinthians 2: 7-12; Isaiah 64:4

Reflection Questions:

  1. What ways can you point to the Holy Spirit’s leading in your life?

  2. What are some areas you are needing guidance from Him right now?

Prayer Idea: 

We can't even imagine the way God is working behind the scenes in our lives and in the world around us. Take a moment and say, “Holy Spirit, I receive You (verse 12).” Then as you pray, begin to ask Him to show you who He is and some of the free gifts He’s given you. Ask for His wisdom and guidance in those areas you were reflecting on. Don't be afraid to express your gratitude!

United Devotional: Day 1

United In His Love

The Set-Up:

One of the most interesting passages of Scripture that can be found in the book of 1 Corinthians is chapter 13 verses 4-8, where the Apostle Paul tells us that love is patient, love is kind, … it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs...” In order to understand love, we have to look to the Lord because His love is unconditional and perfect. Even when we were sinners, he loved us and sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die in our place. When we come to Christ, we receive justification and forgiveness of our sin which allows us to re-establish our relationship with God. Afterward, we should continue in a constant endeavor of sanctification. Justification refers to what God does “for us” by changing our legal status or standing. Sanctification, actually being made righteous, is what God does “in us.”

So, we should turn over the short temper, lack of patience, etc. to the Holy Spirit and ask him to help us love others as he does. We should keep a record of when people offend us because it will eat away at our faith and makes our lives stagnant. The world’s idea of love is tainted by sin but God’s love is pure. Our love should mirror God’s love in every way.

Passage to Read:

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Reflection Questions:

  1. Do you ever find yourself losing your temper? Do you try to excuse the fact you lost your temper because “that is just the way you are”? Have you ever dishonored someone because you are mad at them? 

  2. Do you keep a record of wrongs and offenses? Do you realize that by keeping a record of offenses, you are saying God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice isn’t enough and therefore you try to bring about a solution your own way by harboring unforgiveness and hate which Satan uses to keep you captive? 

  3. Are you willing to let go of the offenses and wrongs committed against you so God can really heal your heart? 

Prayer Idea:

Ask the Lord to help you love others as He does. Also, ask God to help you forgive others who have wronged you so you can be healed and then you can help others find healing for their hearts and lives. If you can do this it will bring more unity to your family, friends, and church family which will world will see.  

Lenten Devotional: Day 24

Lenten Devotional: Day 24

In the Broadway play Rent, there is a song called, “525,600 Minutes” that describes the number of minutes in a year. It’s a reminder that every minute matters and how we use every moment matters. In Psalm 90, Moses, the man that God chose to lead Israel out of slavery in Egypt, prays, “Lord, teach us to number our days, that we might grow in wisdom.” Moses realized that when we consider the brevity of life, we will live wisely, and live each day like it matters. This is a bold prayer that we can pray each day, asking God to help us to make the most of today.

Lenten Devotional: Day 23

Lenten Devotional: Day 23

James, who was the half-brother of Jesus, told the church that they should pray for each other. Those prayers, James said, are, “powerful and effective.” In actuality, the Greek words that James used are better translated, “powerful, having been made effective.” Our prayers are powerful because they have been made effective. What makes your prayers and mine effective? The resurrection of Jesus. It’s not how articulate we are when we pray. It’s not using special words or phrases. It’s praying in the name of Jesus, who died and then CAME BACK TO LIFE, that makes our prayers powerful. And when we pray for each other in Jesus’ name, things happen.

Lenten Devotional: Day 22

Lenten Devotional: Day 22

We live in an instant society – and I love it. When I am hungry, I don’t have to go out and grow my food or raise my food, or even shop for my food. I don’t even have to get out of my car. I can pull up to a screen, tell it what I want, and then about 30 feet later, someone hands me a bag of food! If I want to read a new book, I can download it to my Kindle app in about five seconds, no trip to a bookstore or waiting for two-day Amazon shipping for me…