Lenten Devotional: Day 24

The Set Up: In the Broadway play Rent, there is a song called, “525,600 Minutes” that describes the number of minutes in a year. It’s a reminder that every minute matters and how we use every moment matters. In Psalm 90, Moses, the man that God chose to lead Israel out of slavery in Egypt, prays, “Lord, teach us to number our days, that we might grow in wisdom.” Moses realized that when we consider the brevity of life, we will live wisely, and live each day like it matters. This is a bold prayer that we can pray each day, asking God to help us to make the most of today.

Passage to Read: Psalm 90

Reflection Questions:

1. What do you think Moses meant when he said, “Teach us to number our days so we can grow in wisdom”? How can thinking about the amount of time we have left cause us to live differently?

2. How often do you pray that God will help you to live your life in a way that pleases Him and makes a difference?

Prayer Idea: As you pray today, ask, “God, will you show me how to make my life count today in a way that points people to you and makes a difference? Not just a difference today, but tomorrow and for eternity."