Lenten Devotional: Day 25

The Set Up: Paul tells the church at Philippi, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.” Sounds simplistic, right? Isn’t worry a natural response to life’s challenges? I mean, how else can one react to news events of our day?

Yet Paul tells us how to react in a much more productive way than worry. He tells us to pray – about everything! Once you have brought your concerns to the Lord you can be sure He will take care of them. And if worry tries to sneak its way back into your mind, replace the “what ifs” with that which is “true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.” It’s our choice. Do we trust God or not?

Passage to Read: Philippians 4

Reflection Questions:

1. What are you scared of? Have you talked to God about this issue?

2. What kind of input do you allow into your mind? Are you a news junkie? Do you allow yourself to get upset by what you read on social media? Do you take the time to meditate on God’s Word?

3. How often do you take the time to thank God for answered prayers or other blessings?

Prayer Idea: Spend time thanking God for His blessings, even if at first they may seem basic (such as food, air, a job). Cultivate a grateful heart by focusing on God’s blessings and His attributes. Keep them in mind when bringing requests to Him, knowing He is well capable of meeting your needs.