United Devotional: Day 12

The Set-Up: 

My husband’s mom used to tell us how she helped her children get along: if they had spats while doing dishes, she would sit them in chairs facing each other and holding hands until they were willing to say “I love you.” Oh, that unity in the body of Christ could be maintained that easily!

Paul made an appeal to the Corinthians to live in unity.  He was asking them to live in harmony but not at the elimination of diversity.  Harmony means we can agree to disagree and still walk together in unity.  It also means we can be united in vision and purpose while sharing differing opinions.  Disagreements will happen, but we will survive them if they are clothed with love and grace.

Passage to Read:  1 Corinthians 1:10

Reflection Questions:

  1.  Are there ways I create division by my words and/or actions?  If so, what can I change to be united in mind and thought with my brothers and sisters?

  2. What are some practical ways I can model unity?

Prayer Idea:  Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any areas where you are creating division in the body of Christ. Pray for forgiveness and ask for help to live in harmony.

This devotional was written by Robin Pfadenhauer.