United Devotional: Day 3

The Set Up:

Sometimes, even when we are following Jesus, we can fall into comparison and competition. “I can do it better” or “I’m no good compared to...” “My leader is better than yours!”

In this passage, Paul asks, “What…is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants…” Then it says, “neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything…” Now, this can make it sound like Paul and Apollos aren’t very important. But they are – especially as a team. But it is God who made it grow.

Sometimes there are divisions & disappointments because we put all of our hope in our own ability, or in our chosen leader and we compare that to others. But we so easily forget that we are all to be in partnership with God. Without Him, we are nothing. God could do anything He wanted to do all by Himself. But because He loves and values us so much, He works in partnership with us to accomplish His purposes!

Passage to Read:

I Corinthians 3:5-10

Reflection Questions:

  1. What gifts and abilities do you have to offer? Do you tend to over-rely on your own abilities, or do you tend to lack confidence in your abilities?

  2. Who do you follow and how much do you depend on them for your hope and happiness? A pastor? A politician? A spouse? Somebody else?

  3. How might your attitude and approach be different if you realized that in everything you do, you are God’s “fellow worker” in partnership with Him!

Prayer idea:

Ask God to show you if you have put too much of your hope or happiness on your own ability, or on another person rather than on God. If so, confess that to Him and commit to living every day in partnership with Him.