Lenten Devotional: Day 12

The Set Up: In the movie Nacho Libre, Nacho (played by Jack Black) is a Catholic priest in Mexico who secretly wants to be a professional wrestler. When he becomes to stressed out, he decides to head out into the wilderness on his own. In the film, we see him comedically sitting underneath a pile of sticks trying to figure out his life. All of a sudden, his close friend shows up to talk to Nacho. “How did you find me in the wilderness?” Nacho asks. “I saw you from the village,” his friend responds. Then the camera pulls back to reveal that Nacho is only about fifty feet from the nearest house. “Hola, Nacho!” shouts the family that stands in their yard waving at him. Nacho wanted to get away, just not that far away…

The idea of getting away from it all and out into the wilderness is not a new one. Long before Thoreau headed out into the woods near Walden Pond, people have withdrawn to the wilderness to clear their minds and reflect on their lives. Many times people in the bible went into the wilderness (or were led there by God) to prepare them for what God was going to do in their lives.

Even Jesus himself went into the wilderness to hear from God. It happened right after he was baptized and had stepped out onto the public stage. Instead of capitalizing on the buzz he was getting from the crowds, Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, went into the wilderness. Not only was he isolated from others, Matthew tells us that he fasted for forty days and nights. Why? Because he wanted to hear from God and was denying himself so he could put all his attention on the words of God. During the Lenten season, we are fasting or giving up certain things as we replace them with seeking God. When we do so, God is faithful to show up and meet us right where we are at, whether that is in the wilderness or in our living room or car.

Biblical passage to read: Matthew 4:1-11

Reflection Questions:

• What is the most remote wilderness place you have ever gone? What was your time there like?

• Of all the temptations that Jesus faced, which one do you think was the most challenging? Why?

• During Lent, what are you hoping that God will show you or do in your life or situation?

Prayer Focus: Father, I know that I do not live by food alone, but by every word that comes from you. I pray that during this Lenten season you would speak to me and help me to take the next step in my faith journey. Amen.