United Devotional: Day 39

The Set-Up

I once read that if you’re reading a book and come across a scene of people eating together, pay close attention – you’re about to learn something very important. Eating is one of the most mundane things people do, so if an author is choosing to use a meal as a setting, something big is coming — maybe a plot twist or a piece of vital information.

This is true with the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples. The disciples didn’t understand that this would be the last meal they shared with Jesus, but Jesus knew. While they ate, Jesus used bread to signify His broken body and wine to symbolize His blood that would be poured out. As typical with the disciples, they missed what Jesus was trying to tell them, and instead started arguing about which one of them was greater (Luke 22:7-38).

I love Jesus’ response to His disciples' argument. He kindly rebukes them, reminding them that their job isn’t to be great by the world’s standards; they are to be servants. And then He takes it a step further. The almighty Creator of the universe, bound in a human body, ties a towel around His waist and begins to wash His friends’ feet (John 13:1-17).

The last interaction Jesus had with all of His disciples was a powerful example of what it meant to be a servant to others. This was a vital piece of information Jesus wanted to leave His followers with, and it’s something that should be at the forefront of our minds as well.

The next time you partake in communion, I urge you to remember Jesus’ humility and desire to serve those around Him. He was going to be arrested and unjustly tried in the next few hours. He knew what was coming. But instead of coming up with an escape plan or deciding to take all of Rome down with Him, He knelt on the ground and washed His disciples’ feet. That’s the example we are to follow.

Passage to Read

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Reflection Questions

  1. Why is Jesus washing His disciples’ feet impactful?

  2. How can you be a servant to someone today?

  3. Communion is meant to help us remember Jesus’ sacrifice, but what is a way you can remember Jesus’ sacrifice today?

Prayer Idea

Thank God for allowing Jesus to pay our debt. Take a few moments to praise Him and thank Him for His sacrifice. Ask God to develop a servant’s heart in you, so you will be more aware of the needs of others.

This devotional was written by Tonya Snodgrass.