Advent Devotional: Day 5

THE SET UP: In the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, there is a scene where Indiana Jones has to cross a seemingly invisible bridge. The only way that he will be able to cross it is by taking a leap of faith, by stepping out into nothing and hoping there will be something solid to stand on (it’s an older movie, but I won’t spoil it for you). That’s the way a lot of people view faith, especially the Christian faith.

Many people view faith as a “shot-in-the-dark” hope that God is real and that God is good. But that’s not the hope that the Bible talks about. The hope the Bible describes is a hope based on history. It’s looking back at what God has already done in our lives so we can look forward (even when we can’t see what’s up there) with hope. The writer of Hebrews says it this way, “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.”

As we hope this Advent season, we are not crossing our fingers and praying to get lucky. We are waiting in hopeful expectation.

PASSAGES TO READ: Hebrews 11:1-40


  • What is one way that you can see God’s faithfulness in your life? How does that help you to hope for the future?

  • Why do you think we should put our hope in God’s promises? 

  • Is there something that you are hoping for this Christmas? Have you shared your hopes with God?

PRAYER IDEA: “God, I want to thank you for the ways you have been good to me in the past and come through when I needed you. I believe I can trust you with my future as well. Christmas is a reminder to me that I can put my hope in you. Amen.”