Recalculating Devotional: Day 5

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105 (NLT)

Driving in the city and driving out in the country are two very different experiences. When you drive in the city, here are all kinds of lights to help guide you. Street lights, lighted signs and buildings, porch lights, light streaming from the windows of homes and businesses. Light everywhere. It’s pretty easy to see what’s ahead and to find your way to where you’re going. It’s a well-lit pathway. Sometimes it’s so well lit, we even forget to turn on our headlights when driving. That never happens in the country.

In the country, streetlights are few and far between. There are fewer homes and even fewer businesses, and they often close early. The path you are traveling is not nearly as well-lit or clear. Out there you are not going to forget to turn on your headlights. You have to have them to see where you are going. But headlights don’t illuminate the path all the way to your destination, they give you enough light in front of your car to keep you going forward.

I don’t know about you, but I like a well-lit pathway. I like to know where I am going and not have to worry about finding my way or missing my turn. There have been times when God has made my path just that clear. But often my life feels more like a drive in the country, figuring things out turn by turn as my headlights help me to keep going. The good news is this, God wants to work both ways in our lives. Sometimes He will give us a light for our path, and we will be able to run with it. At other times, He will provide a lamp for our feet and help us to take the next step. We won’t always be able to see to the end of the road, but we can trust Him with our next steps.

What pathway is God illuminating or step is He lighting up for you right now?