United In His Love
The Set-Up:
One of the most interesting passages of Scripture that can be found in the book of 1 Corinthians is chapter 13 verses 4-8, where the Apostle Paul tells us that love is patient, love is kind, … it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs...” In order to understand love, we have to look to the Lord because His love is unconditional and perfect. Even when we were sinners, he loved us and sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die in our place. When we come to Christ, we receive justification and forgiveness of our sin which allows us to re-establish our relationship with God. Afterward, we should continue in a constant endeavor of sanctification. Justification refers to what God does “for us” by changing our legal status or standing. Sanctification, actually being made righteous, is what God does “in us.”
So, we should turn over the short temper, lack of patience, etc. to the Holy Spirit and ask him to help us love others as he does. We should keep a record of when people offend us because it will eat away at our faith and makes our lives stagnant. The world’s idea of love is tainted by sin but God’s love is pure. Our love should mirror God’s love in every way.
Passage to Read:
Reflection Questions:
Do you ever find yourself losing your temper? Do you try to excuse the fact you lost your temper because “that is just the way you are”? Have you ever dishonored someone because you are mad at them?
Do you keep a record of wrongs and offenses? Do you realize that by keeping a record of offenses, you are saying God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice isn’t enough and therefore you try to bring about a solution your own way by harboring unforgiveness and hate which Satan uses to keep you captive?
Are you willing to let go of the offenses and wrongs committed against you so God can really heal your heart?
Prayer Idea:
Ask the Lord to help you love others as He does. Also, ask God to help you forgive others who have wronged you so you can be healed and then you can help others find healing for their hearts and lives. If you can do this it will bring more unity to your family, friends, and church family which will world will see.